#30Something Guys
The Guys of #30something all seem to have one common trait! They all adore the Gals of #30Something! Mess with any one of the #30Something Gals, and the Guys immediately turn into an ugly mob! - hehehe! - You run the risks of anything from having your eyes poked out with a sharp stick in Popups to having your sorry butt Kicked & Banned from the channel! In recognition of that fact... this section is dedicated to the devoted Guys of #30Something! And if you want to be included, be sure to fill out our Info Form.

DocHolidy -- Doc hails from Tennessee. He joined our channel a few months ago and has been one popular dude! Look at Doc's pic and see why his nick fits him so perfectly! A lot of the ladies flipped over him over the past few months, but only one lady won his heart.

duster -- duster is the biggest channel flirt ever, but he has a wonderful way of making all the ladies feel special. If you ever get one of those duster kind of kisses, Watch Out!! cause you'll feel the effects for weeks!

Eyore -- What can we say. Eyore is a blue donkey. But he's an ok kinda guy! Even if he does say so himself...LOL!

F_reStorm -- Stormy as he's called in the channel is a sweety. He was one of the first to help me out and proved my form WORKS! Thanks Stormy!

Ghost_ -- Ghost_ is our resident #30Something E-Mail Courier. He redistributes E-Mail between all of the Channel OPs.
Click here to visit Ghost_'s Homepage.

Mandalor -- It's just HIM ...bout everyone knows HIM, and if you don't then you should!!!
Click here to visit Mandalor's Homepage.

mtbk -- mtbk says: You have to come to the channel to get the info:) (Always the troublemaker!! lol)
Click here to visit mtbk's Homepage.

PAC^man -- PAC^man is another newcomer to #30Something. He lives in Australia and a great sense of "trouble making" humor! If Will Rogers ever met PAC^man, Will wouldn't even like him at first! Now that we know PAC^man, we welcome him with open arms and totally appreciate his warped sense of Australian humor!

Papa-roni -- Papa, our own Italian Love. Always a "Jello" for eveyone. When Papa's in the channel, those hugs are flyin' as he types like a madman on that Mac thingy. We love you anyway Papa! LOL!!.

Pointr -- Point is a wild and crazy dude. Shooting from one subject to another like a bullet. If you can keep up with him ladies, WHAT a ride!

RManTX -- Rman is one of our resident Texans. He is a legend in his own mind. Loves to play in the channel, pulling pranks on the rest of the regulars and any newbies. Remember ladies, everything's bigger in Texas! LOL!!

ROTOR -- ROTOR is always copasetic. What more can we say. He's one regular you will have no problem talking to!

Saucke -- What a sweetie. Always up beat and pleasent. Collecting pics of everyone on the channel, wav's galore, just a fun, fun guy!!

Solune -- Okay ladies, hold on to your hats 'cause Solune is not only witty, charming, smart and devilishly handsome, he *loves* swing dancing (east coast, Jitterbug!)That's right, a guy thatloves dancing. If you're in or around Philly and want to dance, you might wantto look him up since he's single too!Oh, did I say he can cook too? He's a tile mason that does HIGH quality work (web page comming soon!), and likes to write (if/when he gets off IRC!). He's had one guest column printed in a local paper,is workin' on a book, and yet another column. Stop in, say hi to the gang then BAT Solune when he lets loose with the one liners.

Sully -- Sully hails from West Frankfort, IL. He is married 33 with three kids. His hobbies include Golf and generally being a pain in the ass! His favorite personal quote: treat everybody equal, hate them all P~~~~~~~~. All joking aside, he does enjoy his friends and the time he spends here. And he really does care about ppl here (but just don't tell anyone!!! lol).

Teddebear -- Teddebear is a 32 yr old married computer programmer from NC. He loves motorcycles and owns a Honda Goldwing that he travels all over the east coast on. He is addicted to chinese food! His favorite music artists are Journey and Hootie. He LOVES going to IRC Channel parties and meeting people! Hug your Teddebear boys & girls!

Tornado^^ -- Torn lives in New York. He is in his late 20's and he is currently attending college where he is studying Meteorology. His hobbies include playing and watching football and IRC. Torn LOVES IRC because he has meet a very wonderful group of people!! His favorite quote: I love to be romantic, unfortunately most of the time I am romancing myself!!!! Tornado^^ just loves to love life.

WiLe_E -- WiLe_E is almost 30 and lives in Tennessee, at the moment... his hobbies &interests include: sex, computers, raquetball, sex, bonsi, sex, tae Kwon Do, sex, softball... Oh...and sex, too! WiLe_E is currently looking for a real job... He is a mechanical and hydraulic engineer...and is trying to get a web page design business off the ground.
Click here to visit WiLe_E's Homepage.

Unca -- Unca is a computer Tech from North Carolina. He is the ultimate Sweetheart with a sharp mind and quick wit. You'll find him crusin the channel in his loincloth!


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